Friday, May 12, 2006

Indexing Iraq

"Brookings, the liberal Washington think tank, this week released a massive compendium of statistics about the extraordinary situation in Iraq. The report, by Michael O'Hanlon and Nina Kamp, consists of 55 pages of tables and graphs addressing everything from civilian deaths to economic growth to life expectancy. There is plenty to argue about in a report like this, which after all is no better than its sources. (These include the U.S. government, the international press, and many others.) Nevertheless, Brookings is to be thanked for its attempt to present an in-depth picture of a complicated society undergoing dramatic transition, when the major Western press is content to present us with a portrait of a place beset by car-bombs, kidnappings, and retrograde clerics."
Close your mouth...the right wing think tanks are busy worshipping Bush, or they could have easily produces this report.


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