Thursday, May 11, 2006

Touch Their Heart...Touch Their Soul.....

"Well LTC H, yesterday was a sad day in Hotel Neurotica. The Gov Leads that I gotto know, left...Went back to their families and friends, leaving behind a great legacy and I mean it when I say a great legacy....Had you got to know them, or spent the time we have spent with them you woulda known exactly what I mean....Col K, was one of the greatest people I have ever encountered..And believe me, I have encountered many personalities....In his farewell speech, that great, solid man, became emotional when talking about the Iraqis who worked with us...he became so emotional, that he had to stay silent for a few seconds inorder for his tears not to show....It was an amazing moment, a moment that gave all of us a sense of gratitude to that great man...a sense of gratitude to what he had done to this program...And you know why he was loved by all, because he was doing it from here....from the heart...He truely believed in the cause...The cause of the Iraqi people...."
Neurotic Iraqi Wife


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