Thursday, May 11, 2006

Iraqi bloggers: For the love of Iraq or ....

"William Shakespeare said "Apparel oft proclaims the man", meaning you could tell a lot about the character of a person in the way they dress.

By the same token, we can extrapolate that idea a step further and apply it to ... newspapers. You can tell a lot about which way a newspaper is leaning from its advertisers, its editorials, its choice of headlines, the pictures and the photo captions.

Same is true for television channels, movie theaters, and arthouses in deciding what they chose to run or avoid, commentary, advertising and so on.

Therefore, if logic permits, one can tell quite a bit of the character of bloggers from their choice of links, and in some cases, advertisers.

For about a year now, I have been reading Iraqi blogs. Some are rather inspiring while others seem bereft of direction. A few have been rather informative and indeed necessary but these have been countered by blogs which have earned my ... disdain, to say the least."
Truth About Iraqi's
I have special dispensation for my links, they tell you nothing about me.


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