Have That Removed!
"I was watching a couple of convoys heading out the gate and I realized that not a vehicle in the convoy was painted one single color scheme. Most of them had two or three "improvements" showing, who knows how many others weren't visible?
It got me thinking about the time some BG came to my platoon at Baumholder. Uninvited. I did what any good second lieutenant does, I escorted him around my little platoon area. He checked out my truck park, and was terribly unimpressed. He looked around, saw the cracked windows, the ripped seats, the rust coming through the bodies in several spots. His only comment to me was "These look like National Guard trucks!" I guess he thought that was a huge insult, and that somehow through his superb guidance and wisdom I could squat down and shit out the parts that had been on order for maybe two years. Or perhaps I could get my platoon mission changed and we could spend our days in the motor pool instead of going to the field for ten days every month. Or maybe I could lift the ban on ordering parts for jeeps because they were to be replaced with HMMWVs. In a couple of years."
4 Mile creek
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