Friday, May 12, 2006

Good Medicine For The Heart

'Originally published by the New York Times on March 29th, 2006

I had an excellent morning, and I’m still feeling the effects of it as I write this at 2200. The sun vaulted off the edge of the earth with a stunning light, mingling with the cool breeze that’s been swirling around for the last few days, and whipping the American and Iraqi flags that fly side by side at our brigade headquarters.

At 0900, I went outside the wire for about four hours. We had a very simple mission. We were to deliver school supplies and soccer balls to the hundreds of children living in a small village nestled in the deserts of Al Anbar province. I was asked to go, and I gladly accepted. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to have a positive impact on some needy kids in this area."
Wordsmith at War


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