Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Baghdad's Economy and the Purple Zone

"I have been frozen; partly because of electric and internet, partly because of work, partly because I am in the middle of a shifting phase, partly hand washing clothes and partly because of the situation here in Baghdad. Please forgive me.

In reading my fellow Iraqi Blogs, I became frozen. The situation is not good and so much, I would like to meet the other bloggers for chai (tea), but cannot, at least my situation right now will not allow it. I love reading "Iraq the Model" and wished to write about his post, "The Battle for Baghdad," since I am working on private sector and economic development. Security is the number one issue right now disrupting the economic and political process. Many have suggested "safe zones," "peace zones," or otherwise, secured economic (including industrial) zones with housing, etc."
Pearls of Iraq


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