Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Iranians say Program Peaceful

"Over Bush's initial objections, the Europeans are going to try offering Iran further incentives to abandon its civilian nuclear energy research program. The attempt comes in part through the mediation of the Russians. Bush's inability to get the Russians and Chinese to agree to condemn Iran has forced the change in strategy.

Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani also said that Iran's program is purely civilian. He said that a Russian offer to enrich Iran's uranium for it under controlled conditions has not been rejected and could still be adopted.

Israel's military chief of staff, General Dan Halutz, told Deputy PM Shimon Peres to cool it with the threats against Iran. He appears to be worried that belligerant talk from Israel will harm attempts by the Europeans to get Iran to give up its civilian nuclear research program.

Although Peres says that Ahmadinejad threatened to destroy Israel, he did not in fact menace Israel with a military attack. Ahmadinejad views Israel the way President Gerald Ford viewed the Soviet Union. He wishes it would vanish as a regime, but he is not prepared to launch a military attack to accomplish that goal. Since Iran sits in the United Nations with Israel, Ahmadinejad is in contravention of the UN charter in rejecting Israel's legitimacy. But wishing a regime would fall is not the same thing as militarily attacking it. "
Juan Cole
Well I for one do not think Israel's government is a "regime" you and your buddy Ahmadinejad are playing with words. A "regime" is more appropriately held for places like Cuba or N.Korea, China, Iran. Israel has a democratically elected constitutional government. And besides no one is threatening Iran, all we said was that we wanted the Islamic regime to vanish from the face of time. And for not threatening Israel militarily, what about Iran's funding of the terrorist militias in Lebanon?


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