Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Iran regime's meddling in Iraq Denounced by Euro MPs

NCRI – In protest to mullahs' interference in Iraqi affairs, several members of European Parliament joined their colleagues in European countries and North America to raise their concerns with Iraqi authorities.

In their letters they strongly condemned the Iranian regime's campaign of misinformation against its main opposition, the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), which is protected by international conventions while based in Iraq.

Mrs. Piia-Noora Kauppi, head of the Finnish delegation in the European Parliament from Christian Democratic group wrote in her letter: "I have been irritated by many attempts of the Iranian government to disturb the new democratic process in Iraq." Her colleague from the same parliamentary group, Dr. Jaroslave Zverina, sent his protest letter saying: "The Iranian regime has asked Iraqi government to curtail the Mojahedin's right to freedom of speech, an indisputable right granted to them on the basis of international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention," he then expressed hope that the Iraqi government would do everything in its power to uphold all the rights and protections accorded to the Mojahedin.

Ms. Karin Resetarits, Austrian Euro MP, reminded the Iraqi Foreign Minister of false information contained in the clerical regime's letter addressed to him and concluded that this was a clear display of the extent to which the Iranian regime would go to deprive its democratic opposition of their right to freedom of speech according to Iraqi laws.

Mr. Tunne Kelam, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Subcommittee on Security and Defense of the European Parliament, wrote to Iraqi president, Foreign Minister as well as US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, rejecting the regime's allegations saying: "I have followed the activities of the PMOI in recent years and have developed a positive opinion of their endeavors to bring democracy to their country."

Danish MP, Mr. Morten Messerschmidt, also rejected lies by the Iranian regime against its main opposition and stressed: "Everyone agrees these days that the Iranian regime is the source of instability and chaos in Iraq. It is quite apparent to most people in that tormented nation that the Mojahedin are the lynch pin of fight against spread of fundamentalism in Iraq." He concluded his letter by referring to a statement by 2.8 million Iraqis last year who voiced support for the Iranian Resistance.


Yea I'm sure they will care, just like when you complain about Cuba, they tell you that your mad, Cuba's a paradise and a cultural relic.


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