Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tales of ordinary media madness

"CNN's Christiane Amanpour spoke Larry King's show the other evening. In her discussion about the injured ABC journalists, she illustrated the problem of how the media have dealt with Iraq.

Amanpour talked about the dangers of journalists covering the conflict:

"...number one it's our responsibility. Number two, if we don't do it, who does it? We have had so -- we have to have an independent eye on these conflicts. The war in Iraq has basically turned out to be a disaster and journalists have paid for it, paid for the privilege of witnessing and reporting that and so have many, many other people who have been there."

That's right Ms. Amanpour, the journalists have paid the price. No Iraqis have died. Because in the eyes of the media, there are no Iraqi civilians. Why would she think of ordinary human beings? They don't count in her world. She is focused on attacking President Bush, and the Iraqi civilians get in the way of her argument."


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