Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Iraqis vs. al-Qaeda, Continued

"Al-Qaeda’s situation in Anbar province and the embattled city of Ramadi has slowly worsened since the deadly suicide strikes against police recruits. The attack did not deter Sunnis in Ramadi from volunteering for the police, and provoked a backlash against al-Qaeda’s gruesome tactics. Sunnis in Anbar, including in the cities of Samarra and Ramadi, have vowed to fight al-Qaeda, and six insurgent groups, including the Islamic Army of Iraq, declared war on the foreign terrorists.

The latest news from Ramadi indicates a “3,000-strong militia has been created in the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, central Iraq, to protect civilians from insurgent violence.” There is no word on the actual makeup of the militia, however it is likely the group is made up of Iraqis who have fought the U.S. and Iraqi military A similar arrangement was made in the al-Qaim region with the Desert Protection Force."
I still think this is all a ruse, but who knows maybe there is a kernel of truth in there.


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