Friday, December 30, 2005

What happened this week? And my #1 project

"I got an e-mail from a Moslawi citizen living far away, he was suggesting few projects for Iraq. One was to collect books for Mosul University's library. I read the e-mail to mom, hoping to get satisfaction, and she said that the university's library is so out-of-date.
And so dear readers, I ask for your help. I'm planning to collect books in enviromental engineering at first, since that's mom's majority. She asked the head of the department and he gave her the department e-mail, and agreed on the project. If anyone has books in reach, on the enviromental engineering field, it would be great if you could mail them to the department. I am also planning to collect donations to buy books of choice by the head of the department and mom, and to subscribe to magazines depending on the amount of the money I collect.

If anyone would like to participate in anyway, or have suggestions, please e-mail me."
A Star from Mosul
I got a link, let me go search. brb.


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