The war inside.
If anyone has any idea of who this might be, get him some help.
"One thing that I have realized is that in a lot of ways the military has drained me of what little confidence that I once had. You can only be told that you are wrong and useless for so long. You can only be threatened and punished for so long before you snap. I feel on edge and most days it takes everything I have not to snap at some point or another. On the one hand this is a really good thing because I have shown a remarkable amount of restraint here. Most of you that know me know my temper and my propensity to explode. I have not done that here. Now I have developed another “bad” habit which mom knows about, and that I don’t want to talk about. My worry is that the only reason that this has not happened is the trouble that I would get into if it happened. My worry is that when that is no longer in effect will I lose it worse because of everything that has been repressed for so long."
Inside Iraq -john of arabia
fka/stryker, don't you ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt?
by the way would you happen to have any molblogger recommendations, my list has gone all but silent, the only ones are Major K, and 365 and a wakeup, and a few of the big ones, and I don't really like the big ones. Is there anything out there?
"I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I come across something you might want to look at."
Don't limit your recommendations only to something I might like! This blog is open to all, and we try to bring diversity to the table.
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