Sunday, December 11, 2005

Iraqi Elections II

"Bremer’s appointed Iraq Governing Council set the tone, defined the major players in the political arena and defined the rules of the game through the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL).

The previous elections in January of this year took place in that environment and resulted in a highly polarized, ethnic and sectarian assembly. Not surprisingly, two major forces emerged: Shiite religious fundamentalist parties and an ethnic Kurdish bloc dominated by the two larger parties, run by war lords. Both blocs are a far cry from the political parties one desires for a modern state."
Iraqi Letters
Read'em and weep, it would seem that the "resistance" is as dismayed as "those" democrats. There's barley a reference to "occupation" or the imposition of an American system "hegemony", or of puppets, non of the usual rhetoric. Why? And all of a sudden Allawi seems to have garnered some support on the ground. Can you imagine if the pro occupation "puppets" actually win this election, the shockwave will spill over the borders of Iraq like the water over the levies of New Orleans.


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