Sunday, December 04, 2005

Today's election update.

"Things are beginning to get nasty here; today Allawi was forced to leave the Shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf when an angry mob started chanting slogans against him and his list. Reports say he and his company were bombarded with stones and shoes which forced Allawi to rush out of the place.

Allawi described the incident as an assassination attempt carried out by “60 men wearing black clothes and armed with knives, swords and pistols”.
Anyway, the incident doesn’t exactly look like an assassination attempt.
The angry mob was most likely made of supporters of Sadr or the SCIRI (the UIA in general) since they consider Allawi the first threat to them in the elections.
And anyway, they wouldn’t dare kill Allawi; I think they only wanted to stop him from campaigning in a city they consider their home."


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