Saturday, October 08, 2005

Italian journalist pretending to be a Kurd triggers immigration storm

"Rome (ANSA) - A shocking news article on conditions at an immigrant holding centre on a Sicilian island unleashed a political storm on Friday with the opposition blasting the government over the allegations of immigrant abuse .

The article in the weekly news magazine L'Espresso was written by journalist Fabrizio Gatti, who entered the immigration centre on Lampedusa by feigning to be an illegal immigrant .
Journalists are not allowed to visit the centre, which has been harshly criticised by Euro MPs and human rights organisations .

But Gatti got in after he pretended to be a 35-year-old Iraqi Kurd trying to enter Italy illegally via Lampedusa .

Gatti's account of his seven days at the holding centre includes descriptions of police beatings, filthy and unhygienic conditions and the degrading treatment of immigrants .
The government denied the allegations, accusing L'Espresso of following a left-wing agenda ."
The Kurdistani


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