Wednesday, September 21, 2005

On Iraq's political scene...

"The political scene in Iraq these days is full of events with the parties feeling that time for starting campaigning is approaching. However these campaigns took the form of exchanged attacks and accusations without presenting programs or platforms for development and reform which are much needed...

...Some people say they'll be voting with "yes" because they want to defy terrorism that is trying to stop the democratic progress while others say they'll be definitely voting with "no" because the draft isn't even close to their aspirations. The street is actually divided over this issue and other than saying that we're most likely to see a wider turnout than the January elections, nothing is predictable."
I fall into that last category, this draft just dose not do it for me. But I have modified my position a bit. This draft is better than the last and it moved in the right direction. But has it moved enough for me? To tell the truth I would not even consider it if I was to live under it, But Iraqis have to make their own decisions.


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