Monday, August 22, 2005

The Dark Future As We Both See It

"My dear friend,

I sobbed as both you and your father sobbed. To be more precise, I cried without tears many times during the last week. I feel void inside. The reality of Iraq's future has hit me hard.

Do you remember the private conversation among a group of Iraqi bloggers when you said, "Iraqis can't govern themselves." That statement sums up all our problems. We seem to be a country that likes torture. A country that likes brutal leadership.

Our people, my friend, don't call themselves Iraqis any more. They call themselves, Shia, Sunni, Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans and other names EXCEPT Iraqis. Do you see the soul of our problem? We don't belong to a unified nationality. We belong to a tribe, an ethnic group, a religious sector - NOT Iraq."
Iraqi in America
Read the rest so we can all weep together. I don't know I have not lost all hope, most but not all. I'm still betting on the Kurds. But it's looking more and more the long shot. All I can say is we must raise our voices, and hope that the Iraqis hear us and vote down this backward constitution.
I really doubt anyone on the right will listen, the right wing radio is already on the attack, and are claiming victory. A hollow victory, but victory all the same.


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