Sunday, August 21, 2005

WSJ: Iraq Women's Rights Rebuttal

"Last week, I took the Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal writer Marc Gerecht to task over his article concerning Islamic Shari'a in Iraq's constitution and its impact on women's rights.

I wrote him a letter explaining briefly what I saw as his errors and/or misrepresentation of Shari'a.

This week, Ayn Hirsi Ali, the Dutch PM whose life is in danger because she has been declared an apostate for voicing her opinion on women's rights and the failure of Islam, wrote a rebuttal and discusses how Canada's Arbitration Act of 1992 has effectively placed Muslim women in Canada in the same predicament as Iraq.

Is this an overstatement? Maybe, then again, her base argument is that Shari'a in any form severely impacts women in Islam because, if they are faithful to the extent that Islam requires under Shari'a, they feel they must accept even its worst tenets in order to avoid being an apostate; an untennable position.

That's just for starters. Then she winds up and let's go at the left and their silence."
The Middle Ground


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