Sunday, August 21, 2005

Iraq Sunnis Urge U.S., U.N. to Block Draft

"BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - One day before the deadline for Iraq's new constitution, Sunni Arab negotiators appealed Sunday to the United States and the international community to prevent Shiites and Kurds from pushing a draft charter through parliament without Sunni consent.

An Iraqi government spokesman suggested that if the factions cannot agree on a draft by Monday night, parliament may have to amend the interim constitution yet again to extend the deadline and prevent its dissolution.

In Jordan, two newspapers published a letter from Saddam Hussein in which he vowed to sacrifice himself for the cause of Palestine and Iraq, urged Arabs to follow his path and implied he would become a martyr for the Arab cause.

The letter was delivered through the International Committee of the Red Cross to an old friend of Saddam's now living in Jordan."
My Way


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