Saturday, December 25, 2010

You Can’t Handle the Truth

"...The reason our current military success is meaningless is because our other governmental agencies insist on work through the government in Kabul despite a decade of experience proving the central government is corrupt, predatory, and more of a problem then solution. I mentioned “the vile rapist Assange” earlier and after weeks of reading through the Wikileaks files I have to admit to something which will surprise family and friends. I found that “U.S. diplomats come away looking sharp, insightful and decent” and I am no fan of our Department of State. Or the CIA or any of the other U.S. Government (USG) agencies who spend OPM like drunken sailors while accomplishing very little. The big problem with Wikileaks is that it is going to force USG agencies to bury information further with tighter controls resulting in stove-piping which is already a problem and that problem can only be solved by “inter-agency working groups” manned by security cleared contractors who are provide by retired CIA agents who never did a thing right in their whole careers to start with and the end result will be the poor American taxpayer will cough up even more money we don’t have while receiving even less in the way of benefit from “Top Secret America“. Yes I know that is a run-on sentence but here is the thing; I have yet to read anything in the wikileaks cables I did not already know. Billions and billions of dollars are being spent on “top secret America” and those retards can’t even come with anything that a reasonably well informed adult could not find out on his own from open sources."


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