Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Debbie Schlussel: No Feliz Chanukah From You, Raul Castro

As part of his “Strange New Respect World Tour,” Cuban dictator and tyrant replacement bro, Raul Castro, participated in a Chanukah ceremony on Sunday with Cuba’s tiny Jewish community at Havana’s Bet Shalom Synagogue. Supposedly, this is supposed to indicate Castro’s newly “reformed” outreach to religious institutions. And if Cuban Jews didn’t worry like everyone else in Cuba whose presence is “graced” by this monster, perhaps they would have said, “Adios, cabron.” (And, since I dated a couple of Cuban Jewish guys in college, I know that they and their Miami-exiled families would say something far worse, which begins with the word, “chupa,” and ends with “mueras” or “muertas.”)

Chanukah Abomination: Castro Lights the Menorah

It’s no “Feliz Chanukah” for Cuban Jews, just like everyone else in that nation, while the Castros are in power. The Castros are no friends to the Jewish people, Cuban or otherwise. At one time, Jews made up 40% of the population of Cuba. Many Jews went there to escape the Inquisition. Others went there to escape the Holocaust, when they could not get into the United States. And thousands more came in the centuries in between. But most of the Jews in Cuba are long gone. And they are gone for one reason: Fidel Castro. Read more...


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