Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There's A Party In Sistani's Pants Or The Iranianization of Iraq

Credit: Worldmeets.us

From Ali Rawaf at The Iraqi Future...

After the Islamic revolution in Iran, many actions were taken to make the country more conservative. The new government at the time cracked down on Cinemas, theatres, music halls. The Khomeini government also shut down liquor stores, bars, and social clubs, all of which used to run freely under the Shah. I see similar actions being taken today in Iraq. Previously, I have written about the Iranian influence in Iraq in politics. I have been reading news about several changes in the social aspects of the Iraqi community, ones that I link to a religious Iranian influence projected to change the structure of our society.

Today, a few Parliament Members who represent minorities showed their objection to a recent decision taken by local authorities to shut down social clubs, bars, and some restaurants that serve alcohol. Kenna, a Parliament Member who represent the Christians in Iraq said the decision punishes the Christian minority unjustly, “Just because a few people who are not supposed to drink go to those social clubs and drink alcohol, those social clubs shouldn’t be closed,” said Kenna criticizing the recent law. Another Member, Mehma Khalil who represents the Yezidi ethnicity in Iraq said the law will drive minorities out of Iraq, “Many minorities run such businesses […] these venues are sources of income to many of these people.” Read more...


Blogger Mister Ghost said...

Mad Tom,
Muhannad ali-Zainy is the son of Dr. Muhammad ali-Zainy, who is an Iraqi oil bigwig and former oil adviser with the Coalition Provisional government in Iraq.

9:55 PM  

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