Monday, October 11, 2010

Strange Signal Comes From Alien Planet, Scientist Says

This artist's conception shows newly discovered planet Gliese 581g, which has a 37-day orbit right in the middle of the star's habitable zone. The Gliese 581 system and its host red dwarf star is only 20 light years from Earth.

The recent discovery of Gliese 581g, an alien planet in the habitable zone of another star, has been an exciting development for scientists probing the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life. At least one claim of a possible signal from the planet has already surfaced – and been met with harsh skepticism among the science community.

Following the Sept. 29 announcement of the discovery of Gliese 581g, astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, claimed to have detected a suspicious pulse of light nearly two years ago, that came from the same area of the galaxy as the location of Gliese 581g, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail online.



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