Sunday, October 10, 2010

Winter At Doors!

Credit: Eastern Liberty

Our daily life ends with sunset, long night's hours, nothing impressed me on T.V. we don't go outside home that often, as I mentioned before in my posts about the reasons like securty & reputation, & past couple weeks I was very busy with this changing weathe, cleaning house, from top to bottom like cleaning fans, lights, windows & walls, autumn cleaning is intense because the dust & this mission like a nightmare for us, it means "working like a dog!" then we usually covered the ground of the house with rugs to warm our rooms, living room or carpet in the kitchen too & feel the sense of winter, & we appreciated rain very much (though streets & walks way will cover with mud) because humidity is very low, I got a new umbrella last year, but really I didn't use it, hopefully this year or somewhere has lots of rain! Read more at Eastern Liberty...


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