Debbie Schlussel: SCARY But Ignored: Terrorist Spies Successfully Infiltrated Top Classified US Cyber-Files

Last week, the story of a successful Middle Eastern invasion at the heart of our most vital online secrets came out but was largely ignored in favor of less important symbolism like the two-blocks-from-Ground-Zero mosque. I wonder–and doubt–if a single person was fired over this cyber-screw-up, which jeopardized who knows how many lives of American spies, soldiers, and other operatives. And, remember, this took place under the “counterterrorism” Prez in 2008, the same guy who did nothing but welcome Muslims to our shores for eight years and pander to them like the current guy. The attack was so serious that President Bush was briefed on it, but did little other than briefly ban the use of portable flash drives. Yeah, I’ll bet that worked (so easy to enforce, right?). But, no worries, Bush–and for a time, Obama–continued to use the same failed cybersecurity pointchick and adviser, Melissa Hathaway. Read more...
Labels: cyber terrorism, Espionage, George Bush, Islam, Obama