Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bizarre tongue-eating parasite discovered off Jersey Shore

Bizarre tongue-eating parasite discovered off Jersey Shore

Ain't he cute?

There's been a spate of amazing animal discoveries recently-- the giant rat-eating plants found in the Philippines, a huge woolly rat discovered in a volcanic crater--and now, yet another creature has emerged that could be right out of a sci-fi film. It's a bizarre creature that survives by eating its hosts' tongue and then attaching itself inside the mouth.

The sea-dwelling parasite attacks fish, burrows into it, and then devours its tongue. After eating the tongue, the parasite proceeds to live inside the fish's mouth. There's a horror film waiting to be made about this thing. Surprisingly, the fish doesn't seem to suffer any severe impediment--just the loss of its tongue--and seems to have no trouble surviving with its new, far uglier tongue. Original article can be found here.


Blogger Mister Ghost said...

Mad Tom,
You must have some strange stories from out there in the Bermuda Triangle, besides the UFOs and the silent Black Helicopters, which the government always denies exits.

5:44 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

We have lots of aliens. :}

6:26 PM  

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