Monday, April 12, 2010

Iraq War vet to hike across America

A U.S. Army soldier is hiking across America, starting in Louisville. Soldier Troy Yocum, a Louisville native, will start his hike on April 17th at Louisville Slugger Museum.

It's to raise money for struggling veterans. The journey will take 16 months, passing through 30 states and 38 large cities on his journey, and says he's ready for it.

This morning, Mayor Jerry Abramson signed a specially-designed Slugger bat for the "Hike for Heroes." Other mayors along the way will also sign the bat. "It's my honor to take this across America and a deep pleasure of mine to present this to Washington D.C. after a hike of about five thousand miles," said Yocum.

The Iraq War veteran will also bang his drum along the hike. He's calling for $5 million to help military families in need. His sister's dog, "Emmie the Super dog," will hike with him on the trip.

Yocum says, "I've been training entire time in Iraq, when I got back, I walked 2 miles a day, almost every other day, I'm ready to go the distance."

100% of the donation goes towards families when they struggle to pay bills or need items and care packages. Dog "Emmie" a Shiba Inu, which is a Japanese breed also helps raise money for the cause and helps soldiers too.

Rick Redman with Louisville Slugger says it will sell couple of different bats to honor military families. Louisville Slugger says for every ones of these bats sold, the company will donate $10 to Yocum's cause.

Louisville Slugger has also given him a $1,000 donation and is hoping other companies will also step up.

Click HERE to visit Emmie the Super dog's Web page.

Click HERE to visit Emmie the Super dog's Twitter page.


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