Monday, January 04, 2010

Warships International Fleet Review: U.S. Coast Guard’s Big Chill Demands New Tactics, Equipment

"Global climate change is changing the patterns of ice coverage in the Arctic. For nations with polar territory, this change represents a danger, and an opportunity. Maritime forces are at the forefront of mitigating growing risks in Arctic, while also exploring opportunities for new shipping routes, mineral exploration and tourism.

Russia, Canada, Denmark and the United States stand to experience the greatest fallout from changes in the Arctic. In the U.S., the Coast Guard — the smallest of the country’s five military services — has assumed leadership of America’s Arctic challenge. And challenging it is, owing to harsh conditions and a lack of funds for specialized equipment.

The Technical University of Denmark estimated this year that, with rising temperatures, the Arctic would be ice-free in the summer, beginning in 2015. Less ice means easier navigation for commercial vessels and cruise ships, and opportunities to tap previously inaccessible oil and natural gas reserves. “The receding summer ice pack … is opening up a world of possibilities,” noted Stratfor, a U.S. think tank. Though Arctic waters might be ice-free during summer within a few years, winters will still be icy."
War is Boring


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Such bull shit unsubstantiated by facts. Who will save the poor polar bears?! Don't you know they are starving and eating their young!!!!?

Read some factual reports and learn that the arctic ice cap grew at the fastest ever recorded rate last year and the last data from November indicated the fastest ever growth for that month. And December had record cold and is expected to set records for ice growth, again. Learn that in 1953 in MARCH, a US nuclear sub surface at the true N pole and saw almost no ice anywhere and how that set of alarms of impending doom! And learn that in 1922 NYT you can read almost identical news stories from scientific expeditions predicting the end of arctic ice, all the new coal and iron deposits to open up, etc. etc. But, I suppose we have a few more years of this bull shit while the true believers squeeze the last tears stained dollars out of the crises before we learn we have started a new ice age....and who will save the poor polar bears who are eating their young to make coats!!!!!!?

10:57 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Your just not seeing the opportunities. You could also make an argument for developing countries to adopt clean air and water regulations that resemble our own.

I for one don't see why we would make any contributions till China cleans up its pollution, put scrubbers on all its smoke stacks, and starts regulating the discharge of industrial chemicals, and waste into their water. the same for India and Brazil.

But I do wish you would share some of your links, I keep seeing different sets of data as your seeing. I have been seeing shrinking glaciers and retreating permafrost for years now. Not that any one years result makes any difference, but this has been going on for a long time and the trends seem to point in one direction.

11:23 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

This site is one of my favorites, but to be honest, it's over my head many times. But, it makes sense and it uses factual data rather than making statements like 'the matter is settled', 'all scientists agree'. In this instance, the guy takes the data the wanna be tyrants use to claim a disappearing ice cap, and shows the exact opposite is actually true. The ice cap retreats and expands on 30 year cycles and has for as long as any men have been around to notice and before, I suspect.

Sure, the trend has been warming in the Northern latitudes, but that isn't unusual. People farmed in Greenland 300 years ago and came across the unfrozen arctic sea to N America. Then, they didn't because it got much colder and the cap expanded and didn't recede. People grew citrus in New England, then it got so damn cold in the winters that Washington's army nearly froze to death at Valley Forge.

I don't know why people want to think that their lifetimes are any different than ever other lifetime that preceded, but they seem to think the climate and people have changed drastically over the last few decades. The climate changes and people fight wars. Nuthin new here. It will be that way until some giant asteroid or comet brings on some REAL climate change, which is another thing that has happened on a pretty regular basis since forever and always will.

I'm all for clean air, but this hysteria over CO2 is just idiotic and downright evil. The climate is cyclical and so is human tyranny and this is the former using the latter to achieve its goal of putting a boot on my throat and charging me for that service.

10:30 AM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

CO2 is a big lie, now proven as such.

9:05 PM  

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