Monday, January 04, 2010

I sympathize with Danish cartoonist

"The actions of Muslims who try to blow up a plane on Christmas, or of Muslims who attack Christians for drawing cartoons that may offend Muslims, will NOT win any converts to Islam."
Iraqi Mojo

"tolerant Muslims

Or moderates are in fact the most dangerous of all. They lull people into a false sense of security, and create the impression that Islam is just another tradition. The other day there was one of those moderate on TV explaining how martyrs were not part of the teachings of the Koran, that the Koran was about "justice", but we all know that Justice does not mean the same thing to us as it does to the martyrs, they in fact are following the teachings.

Until Islam is reformed, it will remain dangerous, and more so from the moderates. That is why I prefer President Nut Job in Iran to the reformers. With Nutjob you know exactly who your dealing with.


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Good rant, but when did you come to this realization? We've been ranting for some time and I seem to remember you were much more 'moderate' on the subject several years ago....

I bought into the religion of peace myth for about a month after 9/11. I read the Koran and was completely confused by the wildly different 'revelations' the prophet gave to different audiences depending on his agenda to take control of what they had. For instance, Mojo and others make a big deal about Muhammad's commandment to be tolerant of Christians, when in fact, he was instructing his followers to be tolerant of a particular sect of Christians who had surrendered and agreed to his terms and lived by his rules and paid protection money. Those that refuse, are to die, preferably by striking at the neck as he did then and as can be viewed on jihadist porn sites all day long. It's all about surrendering to the fascist ideology disguised as a religion, Islam. The best way to understand Islam is to read debates between fundamentalists and 'moderates'. The moderates can't really argue with the jihadist without condemning the words and life of the founder--- so the don't really try. As with Mojo, you point out historical and textual facts, and they hit the delete button cuz you can't be denigrating the prophet or allow him to be denigrated without threat of death--- cuz he said so. Even if you use his own words and life to do it. You can't say that was then in a different time, cuz he said it was for all time in all places. So they put their fingers in their ears and do that la la la la thing and pretend it isn't so. As I learned with TT way back, Muslims believe what they want to believe and refuse to acknowledge what they don't want to believe. Eventually, they are going to have to give it up or we are doomed to one hell of a war at some point--- cuz he said so.

10:44 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

You live, you learn.

11:02 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I should also say that one of the things I have learned is that there is a difference between "secular" and "moderate".
It's true that I had the two confused.

12:08 AM  

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