Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Al Qaeda Chief Captured In Yemen

Yemen (ChattahBox) – A top official in the extremist group al Qaeda has been captured in Yemen after increased pressure from the U.S. sent security forces after members intimidating embassies to close their doors.

Mohammed al-Hanq was captured during a visit to a Raydah hospital, along with two others who have not been named by officials.

Hanq and several others had fled to Raydah and to the hospital there after a raid killed several family members and wounded others, in Arhab.

“Mohammed al-Hanq and two others who were wounded were captured in a hospital in Amran,” an official statement released by Yemen authorities said.

“Security operations are not leaving the terrorist elements the chance to take a breath or reorganise their lines. Al-Qaeda elements are no longer the ones taking the initiative in deciding the time and place of confrontations.”

The raids are a further attempt to capture terrorist suspects and leaders in a bid to stabilize Yemen, which is seen as a major threat to global security.



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