Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Al-Qaida Using U.S. to Accomplish Goals -- and U.S. Is Playing Along

PARIS -- It is not widely understood that the policy objective of al-Qaida is not to attack the Western countries, which in itself accomplishes nothing. Bringing down a Western airliner or blowing up a building in the United States or Britain is of no interest in itself, since the Islamic radical does no good by simply killing unbelievers. The ultimate purpose of al-Qaida is to bring about an upheaval in the Islamic world in which Islam can be rescued from corrupted governments and degenerate practices.

When Gordon Brown or Barack Obama say that Western soldiers have to fight terrorists abroad so that they will not have to fight them in their own hometowns, they're being silly, as such sophisticated men ought to know.

Why should al-Qaida or the Taliban wish to fight in Peoria, Illinois, or a garden suburb of London? There are no recruits to be made there, and nothing to be gained in the real battle that the Muslim extremists are waging: to radicalize the Muslim world, and to rescue their co-religionists from heretical beliefs and Western practices.

The real reason for attacking Westerners in the West, or in airplanes on the way there, is to provoke the Western governments to send more Western soldiers to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere in the Muslim world to attack Muslim jihadists on the Islamists' own ground, where the latter have tactical and human advantages that Western soldiers can never overcome.

Instead, attack by Western soldiers and the building of Western military bases on the soil of Muslim countries radicalizes and scandalizes ordinary people, and undermines the governments of those countries that choose to align themselves with the invaders -- thereby, in the eyes of Islamic true believers, revealing themselves as traitors to orthodox Muslim belief.

The United States and the NATO countries are playing al-Qaida's game with every planeload of troops they dispatch to the Arab world and to Central Asia.

A headline in the Paris press says: "The CIA and U.S Special Forces lend a powerful hand to the government of Yemen." The front-page headline in Tuesday's International Herald Tribune says: "Yemen corruption blunts Qaida fight." This report explains that the Yemeni president's government "is filled with members of his family and . . . wants to ensure that his son, Ahmed, 38, succeeds him." The story goes on to say that "the economy has collapsed, with oil revenues down and oil and water running out." This is the American-allied regime.

At the end of last year, we read about allegations of corruption in Afghan President Hamid Karzai's own family, and the results of a national election were challenged as falsified. The president of Afghanistan has just ordered the nation's parliament back from vacation in order to vote on his new cabinet nominees. These are to take the place of 17 of his 24 previous cabinet appointments, all rejected by parliament. Mr. Karzai is, of course, the man the United States put in place in Kabul to bring democracy to Afghanistan, so as to save it from the Taliban and al-Qaida.

No American who witnessed the waltz of U.S. senators with the health industry's lobbyists during the ongoing effort to legislate health reform in the U.S. is in a position to be condescending about foreign corruption. If the United States has an occupying army that put in place, or sustains, the Afghan, Pakistani or Yemen government, then the ordinary citizen in those countries will see Americans and NATO as sources of their nation's corruption, and perhaps the main one.

Moreover, the Taliban and al-Qaida are not fighting against corrupt governments in order to reform them. They want to destabilize and eventually destroy all of them so as to clear a political space in which 40 million Pashtuns and their fellow Sunni Arabs can create a new political dispensation of true believers, while the West declines.

That is fantasy, but it is a fantasy in which the United States and NATO are unwittingly playing leading roles.

Chicago Tribune

True, but that is why the last administration tried to spread democracy in the region, like the attempt in Iraq, you know the wrong war, and was not committing the crimes you outline here, of just supporting the current regimes that are in place like O wants to do in Yemen.

I think O is turning out to be quite the racist who does not believe in the equality of people around the world.


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Most people don't want democracy or liberty. You live you learn. I should drive over to Bush's house and see if he has been freed of that illusion. Islam is a fascist/supremacist ideology and there will be no 'peace in our time' until it goes the way of Nazism. The more we coddle, condescend, pretend, the greater the body count when it all comes to a head. If I had to bet, I would bet that will come before the end of this year. Multiple, simultaneous attacks not involving airplanes are likely--- the Christmas day attempt was to distract from people likely already here and planning attacks all over the country. One plane wouldn't do what they want to do, and one plane would only serve to focus attention on those trying to get in. The only way it makes sense is for it to have been a detraction from people already in place and ready to attack where we aren't looking. Airports, DC and NYC are probably the safest places to be. Disneyworld, malls, Yellowstone, etc... they seem to me to be the most logical of targets to maximize effect. A half dozen or more simultaneous attacks across the country would be a game changer.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Grung_e_Gene said...

The incredible rate of return for AQ continues. A One man failed Operation consisting of underwear and 3kilos of PETN will outstrip the R. Reid shoe bombing failure.

Because our response gives weight to these attacks. We're going to tear ourselves apart.

4:30 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"I should drive over to Bush's house and see if he has been freed of that illusion."

His one moment of lucidity.
Even if your right, your only looking at it in the short term.
Unless you and O agree on a "final solution" there is no other way. Of course I could always be convinced otherwise. Give it your best shot.

4:37 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Fact of modern life, I'm not sure where your getting 3 kilos, more like 3 ounces, yet that amount if successful would be enough to cripple an entire multi billion dollar industry, global trade and the economies of most of the world.

The French were lucky that their last plane blow up over the Atlantic and they got away with blaming a airspeed sensor, Air France can still buy insurance for it's fleet of aircraft.

4:44 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

I just don't believe for a minute that the jihadist types do what they do because they can't elect their nation's leaders. Democratically elected government is not compatible with Islam. Iran is a good example. Islam is very clear in the form of governance and authority over people-- not just Muslims, ALL people. There will be a sizable segment of Muslims who will never give that up, because to give it up is to repudiate Islam. It's not unlike our efforts to bring peace to Israel--- no amount of returning land will ever be enough because the land was once under Sharia and it is the duty of all Muslims to return it to Sharia at ANY cost. The 'moderates' just want to go along to get along, but they will have to be dealt with along with the jihadist, just as the 'good' Germans were dealt with in the elimination of Nazis. They will have to suffer such a price that they will outlaw Islam or reform it in such a way that it is basically changed--- secularized is the way you put it, but right now there is no such thing as secular Muslim society. It's and oxymoron. War is the way cyclical history deals with such things and always will, our enlightened modern methods mean no more today than the did in the days of the League of Nations. We're piling rocks against the river and making the eventual flood worse. War is coming and it is going to be bloody and brutal--- the sooner the better for our sakes and theirs.

7:36 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Your making some different argument, no doubt jihadist fight to remain in control, but who is it that they are fighting for, the dictators, the Ayatollahs and the rest. You cant say they cant have democracy when Sistani's version seems to allow much more in the way of self governance than any state in the Muslim world.
Oh and your arguments are about Arabs, not Muslims, India is the worlds largest democracy with 100's of millions of Muslims, and there is Indonesia, witch I know is just a notch above Iran. And Iran was never a democracy anyway, they only had a paper thin veil over their military dictatorship.

The evidence is still on my side. Can Islam be reformed?
Actually it most probably the easiest religion in the world to reform, the Saudis did it, the Iranians did it, anyone can do it, it's easy, you write a Fatwa, and that's it, reformation.

Witch gives me an Idea, next time we invade and Arab country, we should install a puppet dictator and them have him appoint all the clerics, and have them all spout Jeffersonian democracy as the true form of Islam.

8:07 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"our efforts to bring peace to Israel--- no amount of returning land will ever be enough because the land was once under Sharia "

Hey it was Christian territory for 600 years before that, we should stake our claim to the land too. Someone once said "when you have an intractable problem, make it bigger"

8:21 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

I must have missed the commandment to have Christian rule over ANY nation, period, much less that any nation once under Christian rule must remain under Christian rule even if it costs the lives of every resident and Muslim. You, like our 'leaders', still don't get it.

India has a huge Muslim problem, remember? Indonesia is a tyrannical murdering Islamic regime that has overseen some of the biggest massacres of kafir in recent history. Iraq is a joke waiting to be played as soon as we leave the scene. As it is, they've killed or run off almost every Christian and Jew in the country and are destroying the few remaining Christian and Jewish archaeological artifacts at a pace that the Taliban would envy. The Saudis say one thing, do another, just as commanded.

What else you got? Turkey is the only almost example of secular governance in a Muslim dominated nation, but not so much in reality. And it's spreading Westward. Muslims in the UK, France, Germany aren't pushing for liberty and equal rights, they are pushing Sharia law which is the antithesis of liberty.

You need to drink some more of that Cuban American coffee and wake up to the world as it exists, not as you wish. Then, send some to DC.

10:33 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

I'm flinging it hard to argue with anything you've said here, I'll come up with something?? Needless to say the article I just posted has ass poor solutions, "Arab league" Saudis, and Kuwait...If you ask me they are the problem..

About Palestine, it's not about having any commandment, it's about having a gun at the table.

12:13 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Damn, I have to go work in these artic condition, there should be a law. I'm going to file a discrimination suite, I'm Caribbean for gods sake!!

12:18 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

According to the current weather map, it's in the 40's there. Man up, I just came in from windchills near zero and headed downward. I've been in worse, but not since global warming started destroying the world.

12:57 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

In the 40's, had I known that I would have called in sick. Fuck that.

6:52 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

We can win the war in Afghanistan because, we are the most violet society in the history of the world. Our brains have been hard wired to overcome adversity, to adapt and to achieve. Most American would be safer walking down the street in Hemland province, than in some of the neighborhoods in LA, not to mention some of the back streets here in Miami.

2:08 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Oh I forgot, the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are going to love us, their brains are wired to follow

2:16 AM  

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