Tuesday, March 24, 2009


"Hi all, I'm still in jordan and I recently applied to the IOM as a refugee trying to get assylum to the USA, and am still waiting for the jury's answer about my case...They'll answer me next saturday..pray for me that they accept me :)"
Nabil's Blog


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Somebody ought to point out that there is a lot more potential in Iraq right now than what we have to look forward to here.....

10:13 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Hmm, If I had a to make that choice, I would chose here over there.

10:29 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

Even if it was your own country? A chance to build a modern nation from the ground up, with uncounted wealth under your feet and no crushing debt overhanging the nation's future? Wouldn't you owe it to your children, parents, grandparents, etc. etc.? I don't get it, but we come from different perspectives, maybe...

10:52 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well you know there are two kind of people in this world. Those that run from the fire, and those that run towards.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Mister Ghost said...

What you're both missing is the conflict underway in Iraq between Sunni Supremacism and Shia Theocracy. The Sunnis, now are second class citizens in their minds to the Shia - that leads to either flight or fight among them. And it's one that will never cease (under the present cultural system), as Baghdad is the fabled jewel in the Sunna pantheon, now taken away by Shia demographics and dawa. That can never be allowed in the minds of the Sunna Ummah.

This is a big reason, why the US needs to get OUT of Iraq. They can not stop this cultural conflict, now. Perhaps, if the US had instituted a monarchy or totally secularized the government - prevented the Shia theocrats from taking over the country, but now it's too late.

And the past Provincial Election, with the Islamacists receiving 80 percent-plus of the vote did not change things.

Oh, don't be fooled by the votes for Maliki, his big trump card was the repeal of prohibiton of alcohol, even though, his party, DAWA believed in banning the booze for religious reasons.

And finally my big problem with Nabil and other Muslim bloggers being given sanctuary in the US
is the US completely failed the religious minorities in Iraq.
The Christian community has been nearly destroyed; the Mandaeans are worse off. They deserve first priority at US emigration. They, will always be a persecuted minority in the Middle East. The Sunnis and Shia will not.

9:17 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

"a monarchy or totally secularized the government"

Can you quote an example of where that has worked before?

5:21 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

Taking in the 'liberal' Iraqi is a self defeating proposition. If our goal is to create a modern liberal state in Iraq that respects individual liberty and protects their right to fulfill human potential, then continuing to provide opportunity to Iraqis in the form of subsidized immigration is clearly stupid. There are always a minority in a population willing to risk everything to achieve liberty and giving them a place to run condemns the rest to a life of slavery under a new boss, same as the old boss. If Iraqis, with all the incredible potential wealth and societal history are unwilling to secure freedom and prosperity for themselves in their own land after all this, to hell with them. We have graciously given them the materials to build with, if they want to use them to bash each other over the head, I'm prepared to leave them to it at this point. Don't come here where we find ourselves in our own struggle to take back what is increasingly being lost to our own wannabe masters. We have no where to run, even if we wanted to.

7:54 PM  

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