Thursday, January 08, 2009

Readers Split on Carter's View of Gaza

Former President Jimmy Carter says in an op-ed piece this morning that "I know from personal involvement that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could easily have been avoided."

He goes on to relate in detail what he knows and how he arrives at his conclusion and sets off a sadly predictable argument among our Readers Who Comment: they support or attack Israel; they support or attack Carter; sometimes they do both. Neither side hears the other.

Meanwhile, the human and political tragedy that stalks the Mideast includes this morning's accusation by the International Committee of the Red Cross that for four days the Israeli military prevented ambulances from reaching a site in Gaza where at least 15 bodies and several emaciated but living children were found.

The comments that follow are all from the Carter article.

We'll start with this exchange: harkadahl wrote, "The last time the US had a president of real intelligence and substance was the Jimmy Carter term. He was reviled because he was not dumb or bellicose enough, but in fact he was one of only two real statesmen the country has produced in many decades. His insight, his disdain for war and his wisdom were lost on a nation that struggles with those concepts."

To which Slager21 replied, "President Carter was certainly intelligent. He had an IQ of 140 and a degree in nuclear engineering. He was a governor and yet in 4 years he managed to screw things up beyond recognition and he continues to blunder. Go figure."

kronberg said, "I suppose the Post felt obligated to print the rantings of this self important former president. Hamas can do no wrong... Israel is always wrong... same old same old."

But jibal replied, "The fact is that Carter did not rant, he merely described, and his description included Hamas wrongdoing. It is you who rant, and lie. Here's my rant: as a Jew, I am ashamed of Israel and her supporters; they are fould and disgusting criminals, in act and in ethics."

cintronlourdes wrote, "Oh, Jimmy. Your voice is like that on the desert. I commend your brave heart in speaking against the Israeli criminals... How does anyone defend a concentration camp run by those who have kept us feeling guilty for ignoring their experience in the German concentration camp?...What a nightmare."

But ekdhollywood said "the moral equivalency argument will work with the anti-semites... but fortunately not with most americans and definitely not with Obama or Hillary. this is exactly what made carter a one termer. can't tell the difference between a nation state and a terrorist entity. neville chamberlain with a southern twang."

nwg123 wrote, "President Carter is the only U.S. president to treat the Palestinians as humans. Israel and the Bush regime have done everything possible to ensure those people continue to suffer. Bush, the ultimate deceiving failure, continues to serve his Jewish masters... Also,no one in the congress has the morality or backbone to even criticze Israel's barbaric actions..."

Someone4 said, "The siege of Gaza started more than a year and a half ago. That is the reason for the war. No people will accept to be starved and economically choked. The reason you have resistance is because you have occupation, be it direct or indirect as was exercised by the siege... Hamas was elected and cannot be ignored. Hamas can deliver real peace, unlike the Palestinian Authority."

SMG1 wrote, "This man can only see the people he supports and writes speeches for. His unadorned hatred and spite for the Israelis always comes through... Hamas spends the massive amounts of aid they receive on weapons, they are responsible for the poor conditions alone. Grow up and stop your hate..."

kevin1231 said, "Israel is a genocidal terrorist country and since we are directly aiding, financially and militarily, its terroristic operation we are directly engaging in state sponsored terrorism. I hope that international community will provide financial and military aid to those groups fighting occupation by Israel."

biswashira wrote, "Carter is a true human being who unfortunately has become a rarity among the US political class. We are fortunate to have this ex-President among us, and hear his anguished voice of reason, sanity and quest for peace. The lips of our political class are sealed as if they are living in an Israeli occupied territory."

amoriah said, "Carter talks of Hamas as if it is a lelgitimate political entity and not a terrorist organization that wrested control from the PA by force, intimidates and terrorizes its own population, and insists on the total destruction of Israel. Why should we listen to him?"

JDGillis wrote, "Israel will never convince me that their goal was not to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians or that their Zionist dogma was not predicated upon dispassion and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population..."

Roger11 said, "Blessed are the Peacemakers. Jimmy Carter deserves our thanks. We are witnesses to a modern day holocaust in Gaza, and too many of our leaders are mouthing phrases like "Israel's right to respond". After this, it should be clear that Israel has no more right to exist than the Third Reich."

kent831 wrote, "Scanning these comments gives the impression that many of former President Carter's critics are pretty nasty people. The guy is simply reporting his experence."

Sweetadversity said, "Thank you, Mr. Carter, for telling us the truth. Israel will never enjoy any lasting peace if she continues with these violent ways... The sick comments directed at Mr. Carter... only highlights Israel's successful propaganda efforts. And believe it or not, I am a supporter of Israel."

James10 wrote, "Starving 1.3 million Palestinians was terrorism and is terrorism. Hamas stopped the rockets and Israel continued their terrorism. Israel is a terrorist state."

Vinnie2 said, "Again, thanks to the Post for providing space for the US minority view. And to Carter for not only being rational, but for being an activist in actually trying for a mediated solution. And then following up. Oh, how wonderful it would be if US government policy walked this path - or at a minimum took lessons at the Carter Center."

eriksorenson wrote, "Israels military action against Hamas is not disproportionate and is not lacking in any merit, ISRAEL is doing what any other country would have done in the same circumstances: protecting its citizens. From an evil, indiscriminating enemy..."

aeaustin said, "President Carter is the most decent and even-handed President in recent history. American foreign policy dictated by American Jewish interests is an absolute failure in regard to both American interests and Middle East peace. It must change and the World Powers must bring a permanent peace to the region..."

gblairgib wrote, "Anybody who listens to this failed ex-president should remember how his inaction kept our American hostages in Iran for 444 days. He cannot and should not be taken seriously. He is anti-Israel and possibly anti-semetic"

We'll close with petrocrab, who wrote, "Wars do nothing except breed hatred and then more wars. I think all of us know that, whether we admit it or not. Jimmy Carter is exactly right to speak his mind. I did not appreciate him when he was president, but I have come to respect and admire him greatly. He is a man of Peace, and we all know how sorely this world needs just that: Peace!"

All comments on President Carter's article are here.


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