Thursday, January 01, 2009

My Iraq:2009

"I'll start out by saying I'm at some relatives house, across the Dijla, and slightly more north.

I was supposed to be travelling abroad, for more university stuff, but Iraq+Plans=Failure. I think its always best to go with the 'flow' here, as plans almost-correction never- work. That's both a good and bad thing I suppose.

The 30th was basically me moping that i wasn't going to spend it with my family, but relatives, who seemed to have a completely different idea about what life was about. Anyways, a few hours of silence later, it was the 31st. My father came back from Diyala, apparently missing an explosion. It always is worrying how many times you can 'escape' death, or how close you can come to it, without even realising. i try to convince myself the suprise will lessen, but it really doesnt. I always end up with the same reaction. An involuntary shudder. There's no other way to live I suppose. Anyway, back to diyala, something about dumping of dead bodies in local bisateen. The police forces in Diyala, I'm not sure whether to describe their reputation as the best police force or the worst. Equation number 2: law+village life=incompatible, or so it seems."
Fog el Nakhal


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