Thursday, January 01, 2009

abu aardvark is dead

"Okay, that's a little over-dramatic. But it's true: Abu Aardvark as you've known it for the last six years is about to close down. On January 5, I will be joining the launch of the new online Foreign Policy magazine, along with a small, outstanding group of foreign affairs reporters, bloggers, and academics (including Dan Drezner -- the rest of the lineup will be announced quite soon).

Nothing much will change about my blog, other than the location, the name and the look. I will still be writing about Middle East politics, the Arab media, Islamist movements, public diplomacy, Iraq, and all that. The sidebar tags from (mostly) the Arab media will continue. I've been promised complete editorial independence. I'll be doing all the writing and posting myself, directly and without a filter. If anything, I'll probably blog more often and on a wider variety of topics -- but that doesn't mean I'll be ignoring my long-standing interests."
Abu Aardvark


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