Sunday, January 25, 2009

Inaugurations and Blogs

"On Tuesday evening, the Embassy staff set up a projection TV to show President Obama's inauguration. It was in a large room that was well filled with people. And the bar was open. I joined the crowd because you shouldn't watch something this important in your room by yourself. An inauguration reflects your country, and you should be with your countrymen and countrywomen to witness it.

And at the conclusion of "... so help me, God", I turned to my friends and we toasted our new President with the finest free champagne in all of Baghdad. You wanted the job, Mr. President, and now you've got it. Go make us proud.

So far, he's doing a good job of it. His speech was exactly the right tone, with inspiring calls to action and service, sober recognition of the military, economic, and social stresses we face, and stern warnings to those who would stand in our way. A master at work. Such a change from the doofus who preceded him."
Ramblings from a Painter


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