Saturday, October 04, 2008

Iraqi Doctors: Armed & Dangerous

"In their infitie wisdom, the Iraqi government has decided that Iraqi doctors should be allowed "to carry one weapon" in order to defend themselves.

I don't think anyone has a problem with people who want to defend themselves per se, but I think this is a stupid idea because not only are these people not used to carrying weapons but because they have spent most of their lives trying to save peoples lives, and now they are supposed to be prepared to start taking them.

I remember the first time I carried a concealed weapon in Iraq it was a really strange feeling for me, I knew it was normal to be armed, even some taxi drivers have guns, but the gun felt 'heavy'. Half the time it felt more like a burden rather than something that is there to protect me, even though I wouldn't have minded using it to shoot someone trying to kill or kidnap me. I can't imagine how 'heavy' a gun would feel in the hands of a doctor."
Eye Raki


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