Saturday, September 06, 2008

Donkey IEDs, Flat Tires and Ramadan

"So I haven't posted lately because there has been no power in our tent in Kuwait. No one seems to care. Now I am not going to say that I do not enjoy air condtioning, but living in an insulated tent in the Kuwati desert during summer is not the best place to be with no AC. It is hotter inside than outside. Also, there is now a $320 fine if you are witnessed eating food in the daylight on the FOB or in your guntruck. And to this I say, fuck Kuwait. These shitheads wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. It would be the southern Iraqi province of An-Kuwait or some shit. Not a single person in Iraq gives a shit if we eat during Ramadan; we're not Muslims and most of them are secular as hell."
Fobbits nedd Ice Cream


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