Sunday, August 31, 2008

In and Out

"I have made it to Qatar and processed in to my new unit, and have already processed out for my transition leave. I am in transit hoping to get home soon. The process has been interesting, with some unexpected twists.

I got up at 0430 on Friday and made the 0600 bus to Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait. I was hoping to get on the early flight to Qatar, but it was full so I had to wait until later in the day. I sat around the terminal area all day long while they made announcements for flights to all the familiar places in theater – Balad, Bagram, Kirkuk, Tal Afar, etc. Picture the opening scenes of the movie “The Best Years of Our Lives”, when the servicemen are all waiting around the Air Transport Command terminal trying to catch space-available seats on flights home. It is just like that, with some updated technology."
Brad's Excellent Adventure


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