U.S. aircraft carrier moves into position for Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has moved from the Persian Gulf into the Gulf of Oman so its warplanes can fly missions over Afghanistan, where attacks have been rising, the U.S. military said Tuesday.
The carrier was ordered to move so it could conduct potential airstrikes over Afghanistan by flying over Pakistani airspace.
If it had remained inside the Persian Gulf, that would not have been possible since U.S. planes do not fly through Iranian air corridors.
The carrier, which arrived Monday, is equipped with F/A-18s and an array of precision weapons.
"This puts it in a position where it has ability to strike far inland," a U.S. defense official said.
President Bush last week acknowledged that June was a difficult month for American and allied troops in Afghanistan, saying a higher death toll there was because troops are taking the fight to Taliban militants.
Forty-six U.S. and allied personnel lost their lives in Afghanistan last month, the highest monthly toll since the war started. The 28 American troop deaths also marked the highest U.S. monthly death toll in Afghanistan in the conflict.
In May and June, the American and allied death toll surpassed those in Iraq, where there are far more U.S.-led coalition troops.
In June, 46 foreign troops died in Afghanistan and 31 troops died in Iraq, according to official figures tallied by CNN. In May, 23 foreign troops died in Afghanistan and 21 in Iraq.
At a Rose Garden news conference last Wednesday, Bush responded to reporters' questions about the sobering casualty milestones in Afghanistan.
"It has been a tough month in Afghanistan, but it's also been a tough month for the Taliban," Bush said.
"You know, one reason why there have been more deaths is because our troops are taking the fight to a tough enemy, an enemy who doesn't like our presence there because they don't like the idea of America denying safe haven," Bush added.
you have to wonder, Afghanistan, or Iran?
Obviously by calling your blog this fucking war, you are among the ignorant and stupid people who dont stand behind our boys in uniform. You are welcome to stand in front of them.
Also, the ignorance is seen in you have not studied the ancient manuscripts, Bible and Nostradamas that say this war with radical Islam will not end or go away until 2012, which is the end of the age and coming of Jesus. Our rescuer,since natural disasters which occur on a small scale once every 10,000 years and ended the reighn of the Egyptians, and happens every 100,000 years on a major scale which are both coiciding now. (Study the ice core drillings)
Radical Islam is perpetuating a fight between Ishmael (Arabs) and Issac the(Isrealites), because they believe in such a Jihad their messiah will return. This battle between Abrahams children over the inheritance because Ismael was born first and sent into the desert and the inheritance of Israel given to the Issacs children will preclude Armegheddon.
The only chance we have is totally destroying Radical Islam...only cowards want to pull out and run.
Nost. Bible, ancient manuscripts which have all proven themselves extememly accurate are the basis for this information.
hey Anonymous - guess what. The column may have a name that is weird I agree...yet the Iranian will sink our Navy completely, and use the Russian made Sunburn Carrier destroyer. When we lose all those men people will not say hey what a stupid plan, they will want revenge for a war we have no business starting for a million resons. Especially if Iran has a weapon, we deserve a refund on the M.A.D. doctrine that sayd Mutaul assured destruction. It mean I wasted my time in a Titan Silo on duty. I ran sign the nuclear Non proliferation treaty,.
2nd we cant afford it!
3r what eactly will Russia due when we destroy their mjor trading partner - and they have weapons, thats what M.A.D. was all about.
4th if Isreal fights this war and starts it let YOUR SONS and DAUGHTER go there not mine, most veteranss know what war is and want to avoid it.
5th if China or Russia were invading us I'd fight firt in line.
6th If we loose the navy assets our coast are easy targets for a growing navy f China and Russia combined who would love nothing more than to hit us while we are down was it Gen Tzu? attack when they least expect.
No opportunity for foreign entanglement means we should have continuous wars - give peace a chance but make sure your armed to the teeth at home!!
I can't agree with your cowardous dialog that we are coward f we run. Don't go there then there is nothing to run from. Jesus said turn the other cheek - he didn't say stand THER to get it slapped. do you put your hand in the fire again once you have been burned. Your ignorance of history is really the reason for your post. I want my children to live in peace, albiet a strong one M.A.D. was ok.
If we attack someone with one or 10 weapons I want a refund for all the money spent on all the years of weapons becuase it means that strategy is a failed policy - tell that to 26 million Vets.
Veterans gave you your freedom no one else did. Please respect thier sacrifice and think smart.
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