General Petraeus More Popular Than Angelina, And My Shameless Publicity Stunt
"The London Times has a piece on the infamous General Petraeus photo-op available to those of us who served in the Green Zone (h/t Hot Air). The Times discusses how General Petraeus draws larger crowds than Condi, Dick, and even Angelina Jolie:"

LT Nixon Rants
Are you claiming to have met, and taken a picture with the general? No way..come on, who you trying to kid.
We're going to have that picture scanned for lines.
I feel more important now just for posting the link!!!

LT Nixon Rants
Are you claiming to have met, and taken a picture with the general? No way..come on, who you trying to kid.
We're going to have that picture scanned for lines.
I feel more important now just for posting the link!!!
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