Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Calling All Kaboom Readers...

"Those of you who have been following LT G from the beginning know that the Gravediggers have been very fortunate with regards to physical danger. There have been a few close calls and definitely situations that will have a lasting impact on the men for the rest of their lives. All things considered, they have been pretty lucky.

After nearly seven months in Iraq, the Gravediggers’ luck had a momentary lapse. I regret to inform you that one of the Gravediggers is in dire need of prayers, thoughts, and support. On June 22, PV2 Hotwheels had an accident. The Gravediggers had returned from a mission and PV2 Hotwheels was refueling a generator. A fire ignited and he was engulfed in flames. Thankfully, two fellow Gravediggers and a terp came to PV2 Hotwheels’ rescue, putting out the flames as quickly as possible. It should be noted that PV2 Hotwheels followed the appropriate safety precautions and had on the necessary protection. The accident was a fluke."


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