A Silence That Speaks Volumes
"The most conspicuous silence in the Iraqi blogosphere these days is from those very bloggers who had been the loudest in their condemnations of both the Maliki government and the Coaltion forces in Iraq just a year or two ago. Bassam Sebti (Baghdad Treasure) and Omar Fekeiki (24 Steps), for example, posted often in 2006 and 2007 that their country had been destroyed and would never recover. Today, when casualties for both Iraqi military and Coalition forces are at record lows, when civilian deaths are at their lowest since icasualties began counting back in 2006, and when many governantes in Iraq, like Anbar, have been free of violence for a long time now, suddenly these two bloggers, among others, have gone quiet. Those very Iraqi bloggers who ululated and shed bitter tears when the Sarafiya Bridge in Baghdad was bombed last year failed to mention the re-opening of the same bridge just a few weeks ago. Certainly some credit ought to be given to the Iraqi government for rebuilding that bridge so quickly, right? But they haven't even even typed a single syllable on their blogs about the new Sarafiya Bridge. Why?"
No Booze In Basra or America Making Iraq Safe For Sharia Law
Some day, Mad Tom, I may log in as JQ Public, but I'm very busy right now...
One of these day I'm going to update the file to include the fact that the only blogger of consequence to ever use the account was.....Raed Jarrar. That's right the prince of evil himself. Maybe that will help motivate the masses.
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