Monday, June 02, 2008

War of Words

"Not so long ago, the Iraqi government sent a delegation from the UIA list to discuss Iran’s interference in Iraq. They met up with Qassem Suleimani, the commander of the Quds division of the Revolutionary Guards, to have unanswered questions answered. The meeting was a complete failure. The Iraqi delegation, which was sent to Tehran with evidence that show Iran’s support for the Mehdi Army proved to be utterly useless. Hadi Al-Amari, who heads the Badr militia the Revolutionary Guards set up and trained, went along with the delegation. As if that’s not confusing enough, Khalid Al-Attiya, deputy parliamentary speaker, was charmed by the Iranians and speaking to Hakim’s Forat channel he said the Iranians actually showed a “positive” attitude and they support the crackdown on the militia...the same militia the Iranian government is funding.

I can just imagine Al-Hakim with all his senior aides sitting around him discussing how to address questions on Iran, the officials are obsessed with this word: "eejabi" (positive). Every time a SIIC official is asked about Iran the answer is "eejabi" (ryhmes with hijabi). If any journalist asks a SIIC official anything and Iran is mentioned (it could even be something as random as the weather or world cup) it sparks a spontaneous reaction, an electric signal is sent to the brain via the ear and within 0.0001 seconds another signal is sent to the mouth and the word "eejabi" is uttered. You couldn't do it even if you tried."
Eye Raki


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