Friday, June 20, 2008

Nothing much going on...

"An interesting article about a different part of Afghanistan...

I imagine some of you are wondering why I haven't posted about the First Lady yet? It's true, she totally visited Bamyan, one of the 4 provinces I work in and have had the chance to visit fairly extensively. And it's true that that's pretty awesome.

I guess I just don't know what else there is to say about Mrs. Bush's visit. Bamyan is mostly peaceful and boasts Habiba Sorabi as its governor. Not only is Dr. Sorabi the only female governor in Afghanistan, but she's arguably one of the strongest governors in all of Afghanistan.

And yes, when you visit Bamyan with someone important in tow, the Kiwis there do their war dance for you--which is pretty cool.

Anywho, happy weekend everyone. I continue to maintain a low profile here at the 2.0, just trying to hold my breath for another several weeks until it's time to come home for R&R."
The Army 2.0


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