Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Adil...a story of a human being.

"...Just think about Adil and the corrupted politicians in general and Maliki specifically at the same time…I wouldn't say anything because you must have figured it out by now, I just wanted to give a hint and for the people who haven't heard the latest news….AlMaliki visited Iran and signed many treaties that most of them are unknown even to the members of the government, even to the parliament but some of those treaties are for protecting Iran from any attack while his visit was for finding a solution to the Iranian interference in Iraq after he was given many evidences, proofs and investigations about the Iranian interference in Iraq and it's support to the armed groups and militias like AlQaida and AlMahdi army…but our prime minister came back to Iraq with treaties that protects Iran and serves it's interests without a single treaty that will help Iraq in anything...he returned from his visit and made us a joke to the countries of the region and the world in general, he visited Khaminee and removed his tie!! I just want to know what is he so afraid from? why this ass kissing? Why did he placed flowers on the tomb of Khumaini? Why? how many Iraqis died in the Iraqi-Iranian war? why this absolute loyalty to Iran?…Just think of both of them at the same time."
Last of Iraqis

My impression exactly


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