Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Witch Hunt over BitterGate

"Jay Rosen's been killing my comments, so I'm posting this comment here so he can't censor me.

I'm just surprised at how this is being played out among liberal (that is, media) circles.

Huffington Post and Fowler did everything exactly right (except maybe wait a little too long to publish.) Fowler's news judgement was dead on. Fowler broke the rules? What rules? The fact that anyone among Obama's sympathizers (not his campaign, which was smart enough not to wade into this thicket) thinks that a citizen is subject to "rules" about what they may or may not blog on simply demonstrates the left's unerring instinct for fascism. And so Fowler is subjected to the withering howling of the lefties of the left - a series of rhetorical attacks so vicious that Marc Cooper calls it a gang rape of the reporter who broke the story.

I think Jay and Fowler are spot on."


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