Thursday, April 17, 2008

Send a “Thank You” to General Petreaus

"Sen. Mitch McConnell is providing a chance for people to send General Petreaus and our troops a “thank you” for a job well done. If you have been following Michael Yon, as I have, you know that the surge has been an amazing success. Though there is much left to do in Iraq, the increased Iraqi citizenry support has been a direct result of the successful efforts of General Petreaus and our troops.

Throughout Iraq, even in areas previously extremely violent, amazing progress has been made. In many areas, localities previously violent, have improved and local “neighborhood watch” type groups have been formed by citizens previously fighting our efforts, the Iraqi Army efforts, and the Iraqi government efforts. These groups now work with all of the above. They report vital information which has led to the capture or kill of deadly enemy leaders and fighters. They have also led to the destruction of safe houses for terrorists, weapons caches, and IED’s. This has led to fewer troops being killed and fewer Iraqi being killed."
Hello Iraq


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