Tuesday, April 08, 2008

my email to the American Enterprise Institute

"I just sent an email to Mr. Rubin (my new minder). He's been following my interviews and commenting on them lately. He almost cried because I told an Iranian reporter from IRIB that the US government is "selfish and irresponsible", and that the "individuals who are ruling the US don't care about the lives of Iraqis or Americans as much as they care about their personal interests and their parties' interests".

Today, I had another radio interview with the same Iranian radio station, and another reporter asked me a similar question, so I remembered Mr. Rubin and thought of breaking the bad news to him first:

Hi Michael"
Raed in the Middle

Yea we know, we know. Saddam was the model government.. anyway, anyone notice how Raed has reverted to his old habit of linking the entire post.


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