What's That Sound? (Updated)
"D’yall hear those distant thuds?
That’s the sound of an imploding narrative.
It is also my cue to begin the third cycle in the cognitive loop of ‘anger-ridicule-pity’ through which I’ve channeled my reaction to how the story in Iraq is being reported.
For how can one not pity those miserable journalists as they scramble to find new narratives to define the last 48 hours in Iraq?
Not only has Maliki not backed down, but newly emboldened with wide political backing he’s begun to smash through Sadr City itself and is threatening to banish the Sadrists to a political Siberia. Muqtada al-Sadr, the guy the media has us thinking had won, has prostrated himself at the feet of Grand Ayotallah Sistani, promising Maliki that he would indeed demobilize his militia if the wise old men of Shi’ism would have it so."
Talisman Gate
Money Quote:
"In retaliation for whimping out, Code Pink has formally revoked al-Sadr's membership and expelled him from its ranks."
That’s the sound of an imploding narrative.
It is also my cue to begin the third cycle in the cognitive loop of ‘anger-ridicule-pity’ through which I’ve channeled my reaction to how the story in Iraq is being reported.
For how can one not pity those miserable journalists as they scramble to find new narratives to define the last 48 hours in Iraq?
Not only has Maliki not backed down, but newly emboldened with wide political backing he’s begun to smash through Sadr City itself and is threatening to banish the Sadrists to a political Siberia. Muqtada al-Sadr, the guy the media has us thinking had won, has prostrated himself at the feet of Grand Ayotallah Sistani, promising Maliki that he would indeed demobilize his militia if the wise old men of Shi’ism would have it so."
Talisman Gate
Money Quote:
"In retaliation for whimping out, Code Pink has formally revoked al-Sadr's membership and expelled him from its ranks."
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